
Diagnosis and therapy approach from a functional point of view of disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system as well as primary muscle diseases and the treatment of various sleep disorders, both in children and adults.


Diagnosis and therapy approach from a functional point of view of disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system as well as primary muscle diseases and the treatment of various sleep disorders, both in children and adults.

Application of the essential techniques for the diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system:

· Video electroencephalogram: to study the central nervous system in diseases such as epilepsy in adults, children or newborns.

· Electromyogram and electroneurogram: to study injuries to the peripheral nervous system, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar neuropathy, acute or chronic polyneuropathy, radiculopathy, plexopathy and muscular diseases such as myopathies.

· Visually evoked potentials: in lesions of the optic nerve and nerve tract of the optic system.

· Acoustically evoked potentials: diagnosis of hearing loss and other hearing impairments from neonates to adults.

· Somatosensory evoked potentials: in the case of changes in the central and peripheral nervous system.

· Isolated fibre/Jitter and repetitive stimulation: changes in neuromuscular junction (myasthenia gravis and others).

Location First Floor

Schedule Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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  • Estudios de Polisomnografía
Estudios de Polisomnografía

Estudios de Polisomnografía

La principal y más completa herramienta diagnóstica en los trastornos del sueño es la Polisomnografía Nocturna, que es una prueba totalmente inocua e indolora, sin ninguna contraindicación, riesgo o efecto secundario, que se realiza pasando una noche durmiendo en una habitación específicamente tecnificada de la Clínica Rotger.

“La Clínica Rotger cuenta con una habitación equipada para la realización de estudios de Polisomnografía Nocturna”

Consiste en colocar una serie de electrodos en distintas partes de cabeza, cuerpo y extremidades, junto con grabación de vídeo y voz, el análisis de esta información sirve para diagnosticar las diferentes enfermedades del sueño: Insomnio, Narcolepsia, Sonambulismo, Apneas del Sueño, Síndrome de Piernas Inquietas, Trastorno de conducta del sueño REM, Bruxismo, Trastornos del ritmo circadiano, o Epilepsias nocturnas, entre otros.