Beside the individual advice for general skin, nail, hair and scalp care, all specialists of the department work actively on the prevention of skin diseases, especially the melanoma.
Department for Oncological Dermatology - The incidence of skin cancer has increased exponentially in the last 40 years. People with low phototypes (light skin, light hair, light eyes) and accumulated damages by sun exposure have a higher risk of skin cancer.
For this reason, the Dermatology Unit of Clinica Rotger disposes of a department for Oncological Dermatology, which is specialized for the prevention, the early detection and the treatment of carcinoma and melanoma.
Aesthetic Dermatology: Skin care for the preservation of a healthy skin texture, as well as for the prevention and treatment of skin aging, with the support of technologies as the Nordlys® methods, and treatments with hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin.
Department for Paediatric Dermatology - The specialists in Dermatology of Clinica Rotger have many years of experience and competence in the care of paediatric patients, especially in relation to healthy habits for sun protection in the first years of life and early detection of pathologies as hemangioma, vascular and pigmented birthmarks, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, urticaria, warts, contact dermatitis or atopic eczema.
Medical practitioner finder
- Dr. Antoni Bennàssar Vicens Head of service, Dermatology, Trichology and Hair transplant Unit View file
- Dra. Elena Manubens MercadéDermatologyView file
- Dr. Antoni Mas FerràDermatologyView file
- Dr. Joan Garcías LadariaDermatologyView file
- Dra. Ana Martín SantiagoDermatologyView file
- Dra. Aniza GiacamanDermatologyView file
- Dr. Amador Solá TruyolsDermatologyView file
- Cirugía de Mohs
- Tratamiento Tecnología láser
- Tratamiento Ácido Hialurónico y Toxina Botulínica
- Dermatitis Atópica