Intensive Medicine
A technologically fully equipped unit, with specialists for the specific care required in intensive care, in addition to the use of the latest technology and a quiet and loving environment for the recovery of the patient.
In cases where the serious condition of the patient requires intensive monitoring, Clinica Rotger has an Intensive Care Unit that is perfectly coordinated with the Emergency Unit and the surgical area.
Clinica Rotger's ICU is managed by Dr. Ricard Jorda and is equipped with all the equipment needed to care for the critical patient: resuscitation trolleys, intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation devices, extrarenal cleaning techniques, ultrasound and portable X-ray equipment, and an operating room for wound care.
The patient is permanently monitored and his relatives are informed immediately.
The specialists are qualified to apply the latest medical advances, in a quiet environment where family members are immediately informed of the patient's progress. If they wish, family members can visit the patient via a separate corridor leading to each room, combining privacy and continuous professional observation of the patient.
Medical practitioner finder
Intensive Medicine
- Dra. Cristina Muñoz Esteban Head of service, Intensive medicine View file
- Dr. Carlos Cuadrado GonzálezIntensive medicineView file
- Dr. Raúl Manuel Vicho PereiraIntensive medicineView file
- Dra. Marta Talayero Giménez de AzcarateIntensive medicineView file
- Dr. Lucas García ArocenaIntensive medicineView file
- Dr. Asier Mendiguren VelardoIntensive medicineView file
- Dr. Daniel Muñiz TolibiaIntensive medicineView file
- Dr. Carlos García CerecedoIntensive medicineView file
- Información al paciente