Emergency Services

24 hours-Emergency Services. Clinica Rotger is the only private medical centre with Emergency Unit for adults and children in the centre of the city, which is open every day of the year, 24 hours a day. It brings together specialists of General Medicine, Traumatology and Paediatrics, who are always personally available in the facilities of the hospital.

Emergency Services

The Emergency Unit of Clinica Rotger is open every day of the year, 24 hours a day.

  • Treatment of complex pathologies and emergency situations: It is the only medical centre for the care of urgent pathologies by specialized experts and the latest technology for the treatment of complex pathologies as polytraumatic conditions or the specific medical attention according to the Infarction Code strategy and Stroke Code strategy and, as well as simpler pathologies.
  • The facilities have easy access for patients and are located in the centre of the city.
  • Personal assistance in Spanish, German and English.
  • Among the physicians who are always personally available in the facilities, there is a specialist for General Medicine, a traumatologist and a paediatrician.
  • At the Paediatric Emergency Unit that functions 24 hours a day, there are permanently paediatricians on standby and at least 5 rooms for the exclusive care of Paediatric Emergencies.

Location Ground floor

Schedule 24 hours-Emergency Services

Medical practitioner finder

  • Triaje
  • Sala de Visita Rápida


¿Qué es el triaje?
· Es un proceso de valoración clínica preliminar a la atención médica que ordena a los pacientes según 5 niveles de gravedad en función de la urgencia de su patología.

Sala de Visita Rápida

Sala de Visita Rápida

¿Qué es la Sala de Visita Rápida?

Las urgencias de Clínica Rotger cuentan con dos salas de visita rápida que facilita la resolución de las patologías leves, asignadas a los niveles 4 y 5 del Triaje.

Gracias a esta sala se consigue:
· Obtener una rápida atención de patologías leves.
· Reducir el tiempo de espera.
· Permitir una mejor atención a las patologías severas.