General and Digestive Surgery

Clinica Rotger ensures the attendance of a medical team for General Surgery: Non-stop attendance for the treatment of any kind of gastrointestinal emergencies. Spezialization in the application of the newsest minimal invasive interventions in Oncology, and for hepatic diseases and adiposis.


The Clínica Rotger has a general surgery team:

· Permanent on-call service for all urgent diseases of the digestive system.
· Specialisation in the most advanced techniques for minimally invasive and robotic approaches in oncology, liver and bariatric surgery.
· A landmark in advanced proctology and pelvic floor surgery.
· Innovators in the use of unique procedures such as the treatment of haemorrhoids or rectal diastasis through laparoscopy.

Location Second floor

Schedule Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Medical practitioner finder

  • Robot-assisted surgery with Da Vinci Xi
  • Diastasis recti
  • Protocología Avanzada y
    Suelo Pélvico
  • Cirugía Colorectal
  • Diode Laser Hemorrhoid Treatment
  • Cirugía de la Obesidad
Robot-assisted surgery with Da Vinci Xi

Robot-assisted surgery with Da Vinci Xi

The surgical approach of robot-assisted interventions has important advantages, mainly determined by the range of motion of the robotic arms, such as a lower infection rate or a reduction in incidents such as bleeding or readmissions to hospital.

Dr Antonio de Lacy was the first specialist to perform robotic surgery in the private healthcare system of the Balearic Islands, together with a team specialised in handling the robot. The robotic assistance provides the surgeon with an excellent 360º image quality with magnified and three-dimensional vision. The robotic arms perfect the surgeon's movement and allow access to anatomically complex areas. These advances, combined with the more ergonomic position of the specialist, who can operate the robot from a console located outside the surgical field, lead to better results and fewer complications. Less post-operative pain, easier bowel recovery and shorter hospital stays.

At Clínica Rotger, the following procedures are performed with the help of robot-assisted surgery:

· Oesophageal and gastric cancer surgery
· Achalasia and gastro-oesophageal reflux
· Surgery of the liver and pancreas
· Colon and rectal cancer surgery
· Diverticular disease
· Rectal prolapse
· Surgery of the adrenal glands
· Obesity surgery
· Metabolic surgery (diabetes type II)
· Abdominal wall surgery (hernias and eventrations)

Diastasis recti

Diastasis recti

Rectus diastasis is the damage to the connective tissue that maintains the firmness of the abdominal muscles, whose function is to maintain the upright position of the body and facilitate bending of the trunk.

It is a common injury in women after pregnancy or in people who have been overweight.

Surgery for diastasis recti is performed laparoscopically through 3 small incisions in the abdominal wall.

This surgery makes it possible to repair possible hernias and re-suture the rectus muscle to the midline. In addition, a mesh is added during the operation to reinforce the area, restoring the muscle's original strength and tension.

It is a minimally invasive technique that reduces postoperative discomfort and only requires one or two days of hospitalisation.

Protocología Avanzada y <br>Suelo Pélvico

Protocología Avanzada y
Suelo Pélvico


Cirugía Colorectal

Cirugía Colorectal


Diode Laser Hemorrhoid Treatment

Diode Laser Hemorrhoid Treatment

Painless surgery for the treatment of haemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids with certain evolutionary and morphological characteristics can be treated with diode laser. This is a quick and painless technique which, in little more than 10 to 15 minutes in the operating theatre, retracts the haemorrhoid by closing the blood vessels that irrigate the haemorrhoidal tissue.

If the haemorrhoid is small or medium-sized, complete retraction is achieved; in the case of larger haemorrhoids (complete prolapse) a significant reduction can be achieved, thus reducing the complexity of possible subsequent conventional surgery.

This treatment has multiple advantages as it does not require the removal of tissue, there are usually no postoperative complications and the functionality of the anus is maintained.

Furthermore, as there is no open wound, pain, discomfort and postoperative complications are reduced, as well as recovery time, with an immediate return to normal occupations.

Cirugía de la Obesidad

Cirugía de la Obesidad

El “Sleeve Gástrico” es una intervención quirúrgica para la reducción del estómago que consigue generar sensación de saciedad y reducir la ingesta de alimentos por parte del paciente.

Se trata de una intervención mínimamente invasiva que consigue reducir entre un 70 y un 80% el exceso de peso, que permite al paciente recuperar su vida cotidiana, en pocos días.

Circuito de Cirugía de la Obesidad
Es un proceso multidisciplinar coordinado por el servicio de Endocrinología, que aplica un protocolo de seguimiento médico antes y después de la intervención y que consigue unos resultados excelentes transcurridos 12 meses desde la intervención.