Robot-assisted surgery
Da Vinci Xi robot, the most advanced technology in robotic surgery in the surgical area of Clínica Rotger.
Vídeo Cirugía Róbotica Robot Da Vinci Xi
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Advanced, precise and safe robotic surgery at Clínica Rotger
Robotic surgery improves the performance of laparoscopic surgery in terms of accessibility and visibility of the patient’s anatomy, improves the precision of movements and represents an advance in the overall safety of the procedure.
· Clínica Rotger integrates the Da Vinci Xi robot into its operating area.
· It is currently the most advanced robotic surgical device in the world.
·It is equipped with 3D vision and controls on a separate console that allow the surgeon to operate 4 articulated arms that can rotate 360 degrees with perfect pulse and precision, surpassing the capabilities of the human arm.
Advantages of robot-assisted surgery
Robot-assisted surgery with the Da Vinci Xi robot requires multidisciplinary work that offers numerous advantages for the patient.
Dr. Marta de la Cruz Ruiz
Head of the Department of Robotic Surgery
For the patient
- The use of minimally invasive robotic surgical techniques improves the overall surgical process for the patient.
- Smaller incisions and less bleeding.
- Lower rate of infections or other complications.
- Less post-operative pain.
- Generally shorter hospital stay and faster recovery.
Benefits for the surgical team
- The surgeon sits at a console equipped with a screen and controls that make it easier to operate.
- High-resolution 3D vision and accessibility with special instruments in confined and anatomically complex areas.
- Movements with perfect pulse and precision.
- Robotic arms that can perform 360-degree rotations, surpassing the capabilities of the human arm
- Generally shorter hospital stay and faster recovery.
- More comfortable and ergonomic posture of the surgeon with excellent view of the anatomical field, indispensable in long operations.
- Greater safety when performing dissections with a more precise and stable view, as well as greater oncological radicality, for example when removing tumours.
Indication for robot-assisted surgery
Robot-assisted surgery is a revolution comparable to the advances made at the time with the introduction of laparoscopy. The robot combines the advantages of minimally invasive surgery, facilitates the surgeon’s work and perfects his technique, improving the results of the interventions.
More and more specialties are taking advantage of the possibilities of robotic surgery, integrating and standardising new procedures performed by surgeons who are specially trained to use the robot.
Currently, robotic surgery is used in the following areas:
Surgery with the Da Vinci robot enables more precise dissection of the tissue and makes it easier for the patient for example to regain micturition control and better maintain potency or sexual performance after a radical prostatectomy.
- Partial nephrectomy
- Reimplantation of the ureter
- Pyeloplasty
- Prostatectomy
- Lymphadenectomy
Dra. Marta de la Cruz Ruiz
Dr. Enrique Pieras Ayala
Dr. Juan Pablo Burgués Gasión
Dr. Alfredo Mus Malleu
General surgery of the digestive organs
- Surgery for oesophageal and gastric cancer
- Achalasia and gastro-oesophageal reflux
- Surgery of the liver and pancreas
- Colon and rectal cancer surgery
- Diverticular disease
- Rectal prolapse
- Surgery of the adrenal gland
- Obesity surgery
- Metabolic surgery (type II diabetes)
- Surgical procedures on the abdominal wall (hernias and visceral hernias)
Dr. Antonio M. de Lacy
Dr. José María Muñoz Pérez
Dr. José Manuel Olea Martínez-Medeiro
Contact Form
The Robotic Surgery Unit of Clínica Rotger and Hospital Quirónsalud Palmaplanas offers an immediate appointment with a specialist and intervention with robotic surgery without waiting lists.