A highly specialized team the medical care of any kind of disease of paediatric in and out-patients, as well as in the Emergency Unit.
Paediatrics: The Paediatric Care is a strategical service at Clinica Rotger.
For more than 18 years, Clinica Rotger attaches special importance to highly specialized Paediatric Care. Each patient is taken care of by a paediatrician who is specialized for his pathology. This involves Paediatric Cardiology (in cooperation with the department of Cardiology), Paediatric Surgery, Paediatric Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Allergology, Neonatology, the department for Children and Youth and the Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatry.
The Paediatric Outpatient Clinic realizes the treatment of all general pathologies and regular control examinations in Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology and other medical disciplines, which require a yearly check-up. This enables to develop precautionary strategies, in order to prevent the diseases and to ensure a correct development and adequate growth of the child.
The specialists of Clinica Rotger update periodically all provisions and recommendations in relation to the vaccination calendar.
Medical care of hospitalized paediatric patients.
The specific nurse education, the modern facilities, the decoration and distribution, make the fifth floor of Clinica Rotger a ward which is completely focussed on the care of new born babies and paediatric patients.
The clinic has an Intensive Care Unit for new-born children, which is permanently attended by specialized neonatologists and equipped with 7 incubators with baby scales and 2 heated cots, which are all supervised by a central station. Furthermore there is an isolation room for the surveillance of infectious diseases, volumetric high frequency ventilation equipment, phototherapy lights, CPAP-respiratory equipment, capnometers, nitrogen dioxide and a reanimation cart.
Next to the Intensive Care Unit for neonates there is the nursery, a quiet and luminous space, where the new-born children receive a specific care and surveillance.
The team of paediatricians gathers every morning for a meeting to comment the evolution of the in-patints and the new arrivals. After exchanging the information and coordinating the treatment plans, the paediatricians visit their patients, in order to decide the most adequate treatment for each patient and his/her condition.
Paediatric Emergency Unit
At the Paediatric Emergency Unit of Clinica Rotger that functions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, there are permanently paediatricians on standby and at least 5 rooms for the exclusive care of Paediatric Emergencies.
The unit promotes health educational sessions for children and parents in essential subjects as the responsible behaviour in the sun, the specific attention for typical pathologies of young people and activities in relation to season-dependent pathologies.
Finally but importantly there is a team of experienced midwifes available to prepare mothers-to-be for childbirth and to inform about the first care of new-born children. One of the most important services concerns the initiation of breastfeeding.
Medical practitioner finder
- Dra. María Teresa Darder Alorda Head of service, Paediatrics View file
- Dr. Diego de Sotto EstebanPaediatricsView file
- Dr. Salvador Serra TrespallePaediatricsView file
- Dra. Viviana Agüero SánchezNeonatology, PaediatricsView file
- Dra. Teresa Carrión MeraNeonatology, PaediatricsView file
- Dr. Jan RamakersPaediatricsView file
- Dr. José Amorós GarauPaediatricsView file
- Dr. Benito Colombás MasPaediatricsView file
- Dr. José Ignacio Pareja CerdóPaediatricsView file
- Dr. Juan Antonio Navascues del RíoPaediatric SurgeryView file
- Dra. Concepción Barceló CañellasPaediatric SurgeryView file
- Dra. Olga Cadevall SoléPaediatricsView file
- Dr. Doriane BoukobzaPaediatricsView file
- Dra. María Elena Varela DokuPaediatricsView file
- Dra. María NarbaizPaediatricsView file
- Dr. Pablo Di FrancoPaediatricsView file
- Dra. Alina PeppePaediatricsView file
- Dr. Juan Ignacio TorelliPaediatricsView file
- Dr. Martín GarciarenaPaediatricsView file
- Identificación de virus respiratorios