Degree in Medicine and Surgery in 1985, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Assistant physician of Ophthalmology, Barraquer Institute of Barcelona, 1985-1986
Assistant physician in Ophthalmology, Barcelona Red Cross Hospital, 1986-1991
Specialization in Ophthalmology, May 2002
Professional Experience
Ophthalmological Service of the Clinica Rotger (IOM Rotger)
Ophthalmological Institute of Mallorca ( IOM ) in Palma
Ophthalmological Institute of Mallorca ( IOM ) in Inca
Representations in Ophthalmology at the Catalan Institute of Health, 1989-1991
Collaboration in the practical training of 4th year students of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona at the Red Cross Hospital in Barcelona, 1990-1991
Assistant to the ophthalmologist Dr. José Mª Panadés Nigorra in the Policlínica Miramar of Palma de Mallorca, Dec. 1991-Oct. 1993
Coordination and collaboration as enucleation doctor at the Balearic Transplantation Foundation in Palma de Mallorca, March 1992-Sept. 1994
Substitution in Ophthalmology as specialist in the Ambulatorio del Carmen in Palma de Mallorca, December 1993-March 1995
Emergency team of the Ophthalmological Service of Clinica Rotger, Palma, September 1992-March 2001
Cooperating doctor in the Ophthalmological Service of the Hospital General of Palma de Mallorca, from March 1995 to August 2002 and then from March 2005 to August 2008
Ophthalmologist at the Clínica Juaneda (OFTALMEDIC), from October 1999 to July 2011
Ophthalmologist in the Emergency Unit of the Clinica Rotger, since August 2011
Ophthalmologist at the Clinica Rotger ( IOM ), since October 2011
Ophthalmologist at the Institut Oftàlmic de Mallorca (IOM), since August 2011
Course on Clinical Applications of Endoret Technology (PRGF) in Ophthalmology, 2015