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    The world’s most advanced technology for effective treatment of hair loss and calvitia. It can be applied to all hair types and is used for large-area procedures or for the recolonization of receding hairline, eyebrows or scars.

    · The individual removal of the follicles from the donor area is carried out with the help of cylindrical microscales of less than 1 millimeter, which are less invasive and avoid visible scars. · This procedure involves local anaesthesia and, if necessary, intravenous analgesic treatment.

    · In general, follicles are taken from the back or side of the scalp, as there are no hormone receptors in these areas and therefore the follicles here are genetically programmed to always grow, so that they do so normally when transplanted to other areas.

    · After removal, the grafts are prepared under a microscope and the previously removed “follicular units”, together with peripheral follicular structures, capillary vessels and sebaceous glands, are implanted through precise incisions in the desired area. In this step, the skills and experience of the specialized surgeon are fundamental, who must determine the orientation, depth, angulation and distance of each graft to ensure a natural result with the desired density and effect.

    · Since it is a minimally invasive technique, scars are avoided and it is a safe treatment for the patient.

    · The procedure has an estimated duration of 4 to 5 hours in which to achieve an aesthetic and natural result.

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